#ID | Folder | MFI | XFI | Site | Name | Group | Description | Details 101 | GenCF1 | 0 | 0 | Algo:Generate | Generate single voice melody | Counterpoint | Generate single voice melody (cantus firmus). | 121 | GenCP1 | 0 | 0 | Algo:Generate | Generate 2-voice music | Counterpoint | Generate music in two voices (counterpoint species 1-5) | 123 | GenCP3 | 1 | 0 | Algo:Harmonize | Generate second voice to your melody | Counterpoint | Upload first voice (cantus firmus) in MIDI file and generate second voice to get counterpoint in 2 voices, species 1-5 | Upload MIDI file with a single voice without pauses 111 | GenCA1 | 1 | 0 | Algo:Correct | Correct single voice melody | Counterpoint | Upload single voice melody (cantus firmus) in MIDI file, analyse and correct it. | Upload MIDI file with a single voice without pauses 112 | GenCA2 | 1 | 0 | Algo:Correct | Correct 2-voice music | Counterpoint | Upload 2-voice music (counterpoint exercise) in MIDI file, analyse and correct it. Supports only 4/4 time signature and species 1-5 | Upload MIDI file Type 1 with 2 voices only.
One of voices must be cantus firmus with whole notes.
Only 4/4 time signature is supported.
Notes should not be repeated or tied in cantus firmus. 113 | GenCA3 | 0 | 1 | Counterpint | Analyse multivoice counterpoint | Counterpoint | Upload multivoice counterpoint in MusicXML file and analyse. | 122 | GenCP2 | 0 | 0 | None | Generate multivoice counterpoint | Counterpoint | Not implemented yet. Generate cantus firmus and second voice to get counterpoint in 2-8 voices, species 1-5 | 1001 | GenRS1 | 0 | 0 | None | Random solo | Random | This is the most simple solo random generator algorithm | 1101 | GenRL1 | 0 | 0 | None | Random linear distribution | Random | Solo random generator algo with linear distribution function (i.e. bigger numbers appear more often than smaller) | 2001 | GenMP1 | 1 | 0 | Studio | Perform MIDI file | Adapt | Open and play MIDI file | # This file contains all supported music generator algorithms # If you create new algorithm, you have to add it to this file # MFI is MIDI File Import support. If it is 1 than your algorithm must support Midi_file parameter in config # XFI is MusicXML File Import support. If it is 1 than your algorithm must support MusicXML_file parameter in config